The third of four composite drawings. |
On the day of John Norman Collins' sentencing for the murder of Karen Sue Beineman--August 28, 1970--The Ypsilanti Press reported rewards for information leading to the arrest
of the killer or killers of seven women in the Ypsilanti/Ann Arbor area had
reached $43,500. The rewards came from a variety of
sources--each with its own conditions for pay out.
- $14,000
- The Detroit News offered $2,000 in
each of the unsolved murder cases that plagued
Washtenaw County from July of 1967 through July of 1969.
- $7,500 from the Ann Arbor City Council
for Police Chief Walter E. Krasney’s discretionary use. Most of the money went into
overtime for detectives.
- $5,000 from the Ypsilanti City Council--which was no longer available.
- $5,500 raised by The Eastern Echo--Eastern Michigan University's campus newspaper--still
- $1,000 offered by The Ypsilanti Press, and $1,000 donated by Ypsilanti Savings Bank,
could only be claimed by persons going through The Ypsi Press.
- The University of Michigan offered a
$7,500 reward for the arrest of Alice Kalom’s killer--but not for the other victims.
- $2,000 was set aside by The Washtenaw
County Board of Supervisors for the capture and conviction of the unknown
Prosecutor William Delhey |
When questioned by the press the day before Collins was sentenced, Prosecutor William Delhey said, “If
there is one person who triggered the events which led to the arrest of
Collins, it was Eastern Michigan University Police Officer Larry Mathewson. I
have to give a great deal of credit to Mathewson.” High praise indeed for a
rookie cop on a university police force who used an old-fashioned police
technique--he followed a hunch and started knocking on doors. Delhey was
clearly grateful.
Patricia Spaulding and Diane Joan Goshe |
During the cross-examination of Mrs.
Diane Joan Goshe, one of the two women who identified Collins driving away with
Miss Beineman on the motorcycle, defense attorneys badgered her about the
reward money. On the stand, Goshe said she had not given any thought to claiming the reward and "hadn’t really checked into it."
Ann Arbor News reporter William Treml wrote that the “most
eligible” persons for the reward were the two wig shop ladies—Diane Joan Goshe
and Patricia Spaulding—whose eyewitness accounts linked Collins with Beineman.
“Without their testimony, it is doubtful the prosecution would have obtained a
Collins defense lawyers--Neil Fink and Joseph Louisell |
The defense team of Joseph Louisell and
Neil Fink tried to plant the impression in the minds of the jurors that the reward
money was their key motive for testifying. At one point, Fink asked
Mrs. Spaulding if it was not true she and Mrs. Goshe discussed dividing up the
reward. Mrs. Spaulding answered emphatically, “No!”
On December 19, 1970, The Ann Arbor News
reported Mrs. Goshe had hired the law firm of Keyes, Creal, and Hurbis, to mail
letters of inquiry to several public agencies offering reward money.
William Delhey ordered an investigation into the status of the reward money.
When it was all added up, the conviction reward was small for the Beineman
murder. Most of the original offers were no longer available because of
restrictions placed by each organization on the reward. Collins was not
charged with the other deaths for which the money was set aside.
On February 16, 1971, the Washtenaw
County Board of Commissioners recommended the denial of Mrs. Goshe’s claim for
the $2,000 the county offered. Writing the legal opinion for the committee,
Prosecutor Delhey noted “the reward was offered June 3, 1969, for evidence
leading to the conviction for any of the slaying victims of young women committed up to then. Mrs. Goshe testified on the murder of Karen Sue
Beineman, and that case came about a month and a half after the reward was
offered. Thus, her testimony did not result in any convictions for the still
unsolved five murders that preceded the reward offer.
John Norman Collins |
Delhey added, “Even if the murder of
Miss Beineman was included in the reward offer, the evidence that led to the
conviction of Collins came to light through the work of Eastern Michigan
University Policeman Larry Mathewson.”
Ironically, the women whose
testimony helped Delhey win the biggest case of his career were cut out of the
reward money by his recommendation. Mathewson was also ineligible for the reward
because he was a member of law enforcement and on the public payroll
at the time.
Mrs. Goshe was portrayed by the
press as trying to profit from the misery of the Beineman family, but she and
Patricia Spaulding bravely stood up, cooperated with police, and testified in
open court. Both ladies performed laudable public service and came forward
when others who knew things did not.
And what was Mrs. Goshe’s reward for
sticking her neck out? The defense team publicly dissected her private life
revealing a family secret that had nothing to do with the trial and did nothing
but hurt a mother and her twelve-year-old son. She was not married to the boy's father. No good deed goes unpunished.
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